An Introduction to Sea Trout Fly Fishing

The River Till 8/6/2023

Tim Kelly decided to book one of our Introduction courses for Fly Fishing and told us his target Species was Sea Trout. After numerous emails back and forward, Tim had booked the evening with us and I had booked the Stretch on the River Till, this time booking Upper Tindle which is part of Ford & Etal Estates.

We met in Alnwick on the evening both eager and excited for the night ahead.Great conditions with plenty of cloud cover and warm air temperatures.

Shaking hands and swapping life history and backgrounds of each other. Its always a nice journey to the river when you have a new client in hand. Tim was a athlete in his younger days and took to running up mountains as fun (Fell Running) He was getting to that time in Life where he wanted to relax and get away from it all, hence the reason of trying his hand at Fly Fishing.

The aim of the Evening was to teach Tim the basics of casting, reading a river and a few different fishing techniques. I wasn’t expecting to catch a fish. If i could teach him the basics of casting and he took to it well and enjoyed himself, that would have been enough for me and made it a successful Intro.

Tim took to the casting incredibly well and within 30minutes was fishing the first pool down. I was very impressed how well he took to it!! The next few hours will stay with me for sometime and I am sure Tim will say the same. All the stars aligned and the Fishing went Hot……

Tim landed his first ever fish on the Fly, a lovely Sea Trout of around 2Ibs. He stayed calm throughout the fight and did a fantastic job. He was smiling from ear to ear which made me incredibly happy. A well done hug and shake of hands was completed and he was straight back in!

Bang, another fish on, this time bigger and this continued for the next hour waking our way through the Pools. Fish moving all over and eager to take the fly. This time the pattern being a size 14 black and blue double, plain and simple is often the recipe for success.

We called it a Night around midnight and walked back to the car both in shock over what had just happened.

Certainly a Successful night for Tim but also a night to remember for myself. A massive well done Tim!!

If you wish to experience Fly fishing or have a target Species in mind which to wish to catch. Send us a email or contact us through our Contact form and we will do our best to help.

James Armstrong- Owner & Head Guide/ Chasing Fins

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